Seed densities and sowing time for three peanut cultivars
Arachis hypogaea L., Pods, GrainS, Production, ProductivityAbstract
The high productivity of peanuts in Brazil comes from the use of new cultivars on the market. Even so, it is necessary to use cultural practices to optimize this production, such as sowing at different densities and times of the year. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of density and sowing time on peanut production of three cultivars. The experiment was carried out at the Advanced Research Center in Cana, in Ribeirão Preto-SP, in the 2021/22 season, using the experimental design Split-Split-Plot with three replications, with the treatments divided into three peanut cultivars (IAC OL3, IAC 503 and Granoleico), four sowing densities (5, 10, 15 and 20 plants per linear meter) and two sowing dates (October and November). The evaluations made were yield of pods and grains (in addition to their yield), weight of 100 grains, harvest index and number of pods. The means were submitted to the Tukey test at 5% probability. It is concluded that there was an increase in grain production of the Granoleico and IAC OL3 cultivars compared to the IAC 503. For the characteristic density, the lower the number of plants per meter, the yield of pods, grain yield and weight of 100 grains were lower than the others studied. Regarding the studied seasons, it was shown that for pod productivity the first season was superior and, for grain yield, the second season was better.

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Copyright (c) 2022 Fábio Fiori Ruiz, Letícia Pelicioni Palviqueres, Keyciane Barbosa, Olavo Betiol, Élcio Rios Pérez Leal, Denizart Bolonhezi

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