Biofertilizers sprayed on leaves and seed furrow in peanut crops




Arachis hypogaea L, pod productivity, vegetative biomass, glutamic acid


Biofertilizers are important substances for obtaining high yields in peanut crops, because can contribute to reducing biotic and abiotic stresses, as well as stimulating symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing bacteria and other beneficial microorganisms. In order to study the effect of Vorax® biofertilizer and Atmo® inoculant on some agronomic characteristics of peanut cultivars IAC OL-3 and IAC-503, field trials were carried out in LATOSSOLO Vermelho eutroférrico , clayey texture, located at the IAC in Ribeirão Preto/SP. In a randomized block experimental design with four replications, in the 2019/20 season, 5 treatments were studied in the cultivar IAC OL-3: control (T1); 50 mL ha-1 of Vorax® sprayed at 25 (T2); at 25 and 50 (T3), 25, 50 and 80 days after sowing (T4), as well as biofertilizer at a dose of 30 mL ha-1 sprayed together with fungicides from 45 DAS (T5). In the 2020/21 season, the trial with the same design tested 07 treatments in the cultivar IAC 503: control (T1); Atmo® (300 mL ha-1) in the seeding furrow + Synflex® 150 mL ha-1 (T2); T2 + MQL007 (50 mL ha-1) in the seeding furrow (T3); T3 + MQL007 (50 mL ha-1) sprayed at 25 DAS (T4); MQL007 (50 mL ha-1) sprayed at 25 DAS (T5); Vorax® (50 mL ha-1) sprayed at 25, 50 and 80 DAS (T6); T6 + spraying at 100 DAS (T7). It is concluded for the conditions of the experiments that: three sprays of Vorax® (50 mL ha-1) provided significant increases in the order of 27% and 24%, respectively for the cultivars IAC OL-3 and IAC 503, as well as the application in the furrow of the inoculant Atmo® + Synflex® associated with biostimulant MQL007 provided 27% gains in the productivity of IAC 503 pods.


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Author Biographies

Olavo Betiol, aculdades de Ciências e Veterinárias - FCAV/ Universidade Estadual Paulista - UNESP..

Eng. Agrônomo, Mestrando em Agronomia, – Faculdades de Ciências e Veterinárias - FCAV/ Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp. E-mail:

Letícia Pelicioni Palviqueres, Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda

Graduanda em Agronomia – Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda, Ribeirão Preto, SP. E-mail: 

Fábio Fiori Ruiz, Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda

Graduando em Agronomia – Centro Universitário Moura Lacerda, Ribeirão Preto, SP. E-mail: 

Élcio Rios Pérez Leal , Faculdades de Ciências e Veterinárias - FCAV/ Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp.

Eng. Agrônomo, Mestrando em Agronomia, – Faculdades de Ciências e Veterinárias - FCAV/ Universidade Estadual Paulista - Unesp. E-mail: 

Denizart Bolonhezi, Instituto Agronômico de Campinas - IAC, Centro de Cana, Ribeirão Preto, SP.

Dr., Pesquisador Científico – Instituto Agronômico de Campinas - IAC, Centro de Cana, Ribeirão Preto, SP. E-mail:



How to Cite

Betiol, O., Palviqueres, L. P. ., Ruiz, F. F. ., Leal , Élcio R. P., & Bolonhezi, D. . (2021). Biofertilizers sprayed on leaves and seed furrow in peanut crops. South American Sciences, 2(edesp1), e21140.



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