Operational quality of mechanized peanut harvest
Losses, Control cards, Arachis hypogaea L.Abstract
Harvesting is the most important stage for the cultivation of peanuts, with pulling and harvesting as necessary operations for the process. The objective of this work was to evaluate the quality of the peanut harvesting process through statistical control of the process. The experiment was carried out in the Triangulo Mineiro region in the State of Minas Gerais, where 20 samples were collected for each variable analyzed, visible losses in the pullout (VLD), invisible losses in the pullout (ILD) and total losses in the pullout (TLD). Statistical Process Control was used through the use of charts of control of individual values "‹"‹and mobile range, in addition to descriptive analysis for each quality indicator. It was found that the invisible and total losses at the start were the most critical, with little regard to the requirements of quality indicators, reflecting the highest losses and the lowest quality of the process. However, part of the process remained under control for most of the indicators evaluated, indicating that the data were close to the averages found, thus showing a good quality of the process.
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