Development of a database to map the distribution of peanut smut in Brazil


  • Cláudia Dantas Procópio Mestre em Ciência da Computação – Analista A da Embrapa Algodão, Campina Grande/PB,
  • Cristiane Santana Custodio dos Santos Avelino Bacharel em Informática – Analista A da Embrapa Algodão, Campina Grande/PB,
  • Marcel Norie Bergamin Sugimoto UniFAJ - Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna
  • Dartanha José Soares Doutor em Fitopatologia – Pesquisador da Embrapa Algodão, Campina Grande/PB,



Arachis hypogaea, geographic distribution, Thecaphora frezzii


The peanut smut, caused by the fungus Thecaphora frezzii, was first reported in commercial fields in Argentina in the middle 1990"™s, and since 2015, it has been regarded one of the most important disease of peanut. Since this fungus is mainly spread by seed, and regarding that peanut growers in Brazil regularly import seeds from Argentina, it was observed the necessity to start to monitor the presence of this pathogen in Brazil, to avoid the serious losses reported in Argentina. Thus the aim of the present work is to present the development of a database created to organize the information regarding the monitoring of peanut smut pathogen in peanut commercial production areas in Brazil. The database manager system used was PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension. A web interface, built using Java programming language with data inserted in GeoServer, shows the distribution of analyzed samples per municipality using a colored circumference with size proportional to the total number of samples. Different colors were used to allow a quick visualization of municipalities where the presence of the pathogen was confirmed or not. The present database and its web interface will not only allow both growers and phytossanitary authorities to visualize the pathogen distribution throughout the peanut growing areas, but will also provide useful information to a better understanding of its epidemiology.


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Author Biography

Marcel Norie Bergamin Sugimoto, UniFAJ - Centro Universitário de Jaguariúna

Estudante do curso de Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos da UniFAJ, bolsista PIBIC/CNPq.



How to Cite

Procópio, C. D. ., Santana Custodio dos Santos Avelino, C., Bergamin Sugimoto, M. N., & Soares, D. J. (2020). Development of a database to map the distribution of peanut smut in Brazil. South American Sciences, 1(2), e2013.



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